Village Council Litter Working Party



In 2015 the Village Council created a small Working Party to look at the issue and problems associated with litter in the Village. As a result, it was agreed that "Litter Pick" dates would be organised throughout the year in designated areas. Information, dates of interest and location will appear here, although dates will also be announced on the latest news page.

All residents are welcome to attend these events and reminded to wear good sturdy shoes. Residents will be provided with equipment (litter pickers, gloves, bags and jackets). The event usually starts at 10 am and finishes by noon (please check the details for each event) and some light refreshments are also provided.

For further information about the events, please e-mail Cllr. Suzy Crowe


Our next Village Council Litter Pick

The most recent Village Council Litter Pick took place on Saturday 24th September 2022. 

During the litter pick it was discovered that the bins at the petrol garage on Southend Road are often overflowing causing the rubbish to blow out and scatter all around the nearby area.  The Village Council has written to the management company of the garage to highlight the problem and request they resolve it by emptying the bins on a more regular basis. 

Many thanks to all those who attended and helped to improved the look of our village.