Salt Bag Scheme

Published: 31 May 2018

Last winter’s snowy weather created much difficulty for residents walking and driving in untreated side roads. This year, Great Burstead and South Green Village Council is operating a trial scheme in conjunction with Essex County Council by providing individual bags of salt to those neighbourhoods most affected by snow and ice.

When taking advantage of this service, the following points should be observed:

  1. Salt is a corrosive substance. When handling it, suitable protective clothing should be worn.
  2. In icy conditions, non-slip footwear is essential. 
  3. Be aware of vehicles and pedestrians in the vicinity. Work facing oncoming traffic, and clear snow to the carriageway side of the footpath.
  4. The salt/grit mixture is most effective if laid before hard ice forms.
  5. Only light sprinkling is necessary to prevent freezing. For example, a normal shovel full would cover up to 100 sq metres. A smaller shovel is easier to handle and reduces the risk of injury.
  6. Consider how to get the salt to the area being treated. Carrying bags and buckets can be especially hazardous in bad weather; use a wheel barrow if possible.
  7. Lawn spreaders can be an effective alternative to shovelling – but clean thoroughly after use.
Please note: By accepting salt free of charge from Great Burstead and South Green Village Council, the recipient accepts full responsibility for its safe handling, storage and spreading.